The introduction of the Digital Learning Specialist positions coincides with the updating of the Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards ("Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards", 2016) to support digital learning and computer science. The Digital Learning Specialist model provides essential digital citizenship, digital literacy, and digital computer science skills to all students throughout the elementary, middle and high school.
This model provides in-class coaching to support teachers’ use of technology tools within the classroom and during the digital learning blocks in the elementary schools and within integrated classrooms on all levels. All digital learning specialists provide instructional coaching, guidance and support to teachers and students using technology in the classroom.
The Digital Learning Specialist roles also include supporting the strategic implementation of the makerspaces and design thinking curriculum in the elementary schools and continue to drive the vision of these innovative practices into the middle and high school curriculums. This Strategic Technology Plan makes the synthesis of these initiatives part of a cohesive planning process around digital learning for all students, which includes the goals of NRPS 2021 and the strategic planning of the Future Ready Schools Framework and the ISTE Standards (ISTE Standards FAQ, 2018). These roles are essential in the process of increasing teacher and student fluency with the use of technology.
Identified below are the central strands of the Digital Learning & Computer Science Standards ("Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards", 2016). The strands represent the core topical areas addressed in a robust, sequenced, digital learning curriculum. These areas are embedded into our K-12 digital learning pathway for students. Identified in this plan are the targeted focus areas the digital learning team will address district-wide. The approach to addressing these strands as well as new and innovative learning opportunities will continue to be refined and enhanced by new program offerings and pathways.
In addition to the Digital Learning Specialists, students also receive targeted instruction from the Library/Media Specialists at the Middle School and High School to support and foster student’s digital literacy skills and their ability to conduct research utilizing a range of flexible print and digital resources. Additional topics covered by the Library Media Specialists include addressing media and technology literacy and instruction for students and staff on how to locate, evaluate, and effectively use information in print and electronic resources within their academic work.
Supporting this work in the Elementary schools is the role the Digital Learning Paraprofessionals who provide in class support for the Digital Learning Specialist during the elementary digital learning classroom blocks and provide additional support within the library media center and Makerspace classrooms. The roles of the Digital Learning Specialists and Digital Learning teaching staff must be flexible to shift and adjust to the challenges that are presented with the variety of tools, resources and learning strategies that are now possible in education.
For more information please contact:
Daniel Downs, Ed.D.
Director Of Digital Learning