Monday, March 25, 2019

3D Printing at The L.D. Batchelder School

With the help of the Batch BPO, we were so excited to add a 3D printer to the Batch Makerspace (Imagination Studio) last year. Students have been thrilled about this addition to the space and they love walking by and seeing their original creations coming to life on the 3D printer.

This winter all fourth graders at The Batch had the opportunity to design an original keychain/bag tag to be printed on the 3D printer. They started by learning the features of Tinkercad, an online 3D design and modeling tool. This was a great way for students to apply what they have learned about three-dimensional shapes during math instruction.

Once they were comfortable manipulating and joining shapes, students applied these newly honed skills to their original creation. As you can see from the picture below, students impressed us with their creativity and their designing skills.