Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tech Buzz:Elementary Resources For Research

Elementary Resources For Research

Directory Of Online Encyclopedias

Pebble Go
Kids Brittanica
History Channel
Read Write Think (interactives)

Enchanted Learning-Teacher & Student Research Resources
Symbaloo-Homepage Bookmarking For You and Your Students
More Of It

Videos & Class Content

Discovery Education-Log In With Your Google Account

Organization & Collaboration

Flickr: Share and store classroom images with this incredibly popular online photo storage service.
Diigo: Diigo is a great tool for highlighting and sharing the web with your students.
del.icio.us: Save your favorite sites and share them with your class using del.icio.us.
Gliffy: Create and share flow-charts, diagrams, and more with Gliffy.
Image Search
The most comprehensive compilation of NASA stills, film and video. Students may use the images for school projects as long as they credit NASA.
Pics4Learning is a copyright-friendly image library for teachers and students. The Pics4Learning collection consists of thousands of images that have been donated by students, teachers, and amateur photographers. Unlike many Internet sites, permission has been granted for teachers and students to use all the images donated to the Pics4Learning collection.

Best Search Engines for Elementary Students(click on title of search engine)

Sweet Search: It offers a narrowed search by school subject, a beginner search engine for young students, a search engine for librarians, a search just for social studies subject matter, and a search just for biographies.  It also provides great advice on how to teach students to search effectively.

Fact Monster: An almanac, encyclopedia, dictionary and homework helper for research projects.

Kids Click: Filtered web search for kids created by librarians and categorized by subject.

Ivy’s Search Engines: A collection of basic and specialized search engines for students.

Searchquarium:  Has different search engines based upon subject area and grade level.

Kid Friendly Search Eng

Additional Options:

Monday, April 25, 2016

RT @edtech_rr: What Does College and Career Readiness Mean Now in the Shift to Digital Learning? https://t.co/Er17WEoOLy https://t.co/V8riNPPeMk

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RT @edtech_rr: What Does College and Career Readiness Mean Now in the Shift to Digital Learning? https://t.co/Er17WEoOLy https://t.co/V8riNPPeMk

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RT @BarbM17: DMS Students made it to the voting round. See link below to rate. Go to the 4th one under secondary list. https://t.co/Gmeo0G4Kmk

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Sharing #worldlanguage #DigitalLearning @amystarnaud @nrschools @drallen23 @digitalhornets #Andover #northreading https://t.co/qYA63B769Y

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Friday, April 15, 2016

RT @E_Sheninger: Digital leadership, social media critical for schools to reach communities https://t.co/y2qVPaqb3Y #aussieED #satchatOZ #asiaED #edchatHI

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RT @willrich45: “BEWARE any conferences, speeches or programs that claim to be promoting “personalized learning.”” https://t.co/sEuMPRmQ2D #edchat

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RT @sjgorman: The Google+ Communities You Should Know About | Shake Up Learning https://t.co/XCE1f1Hp73 via @ShakeUpLearning

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RT @gregkulowiec: Learning Goals are the most important part of tech integration. Learn more from @ThomasDaccord "https://t.co/YCFdafmDRX

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RT @LFlemingEDU: My new article focuses on principals supporting the Maker Culture https://t.co/LCDXefCahO @NAESP https://t.co/Eo5sCBnliH

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RT @LFlemingEDU: My new article focuses on principals supporting the Maker Culture https://t.co/LCDXefCahO @NAESP https://t.co/Eo5sCBnliH

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tech Buzz Resources: Google Tools For Research: Middle/High School Edition

Google Tools For Research: Middle/High School Edition
This a list of tools, websites, and resources which assist students with organizing resources for research. Some of these tools can be used in the process of research or used to collect search specific statistics. Many can be used within the Google For Education platform or used within the Chrome Browser.
Google Tools:
Review consumer trends, marketing insights and industry research. The site includes statistics, a research library including videos and infographics, planning tools, and a section for emerging digital trends.
Based on Google Search, Google Trends shows how often a particular search-term is entered relative to the total search-volume across various regions of the world, and in various languages.
Google Scholar is an online, freely accessible search engine that lets users look for both physical and digital copies of articles. It searches a wide variety of sources, including academic publishers, universities, and preprint depositories looking for: Peer-reviewed articles. Theses.
The service sends emails to the user when it finds new results—such as web pages, newspaper articles, blogs, or scientific research—that match the user's search term entered.
Google Research group explores how information visualization can make complex data accessible, useful, and even fun. Work includes public and Google-internal projects.
Power Tips:
Research Tools For Chrome Browser
Citation Websites: Some are available as Chrome Browser Extensions

The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. It's the easiest way to build a works cited page; and it's free. Search for a book, article, website, or film, or enter the information yourself. Add it to your bibliography and continue citing to build your works cited list. Download your bibliography in MLA, APA, Chicago, or Turabian format. Bibme is very easy to use, but you need to pay for a pro account to save your bibliographies.
Citation machine helps students and professional researchers to properly credit the information that they use. Its primary goal is to make it so easy for student researchers to cite their information sources. However, again, if you want to save your bibliographies you need to pay for a pro account.
Cite This For Me allows you to automatically create website citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles at the click of a button. Cite This For Me also comes with a Google Chrome extension.
Cite your work at APA, MLA, and Chicago without leaving the homepage in 3 easy steps. The fourth step allows you to download your bibliography; you can even save it if you create an account. Your citations will be kept as long as you keep visiting the site, but after four days of inactivity your citations will be deleted.
Creating a complete and correctly formatted citation is a challenge for many students, especially documenting sources such as art and music that aren't included in traditional citation formats. OttoBib
Creating creates citations from ISBNs (which means that your book needs to have a clearly visible ISBN), it also comes with a Google Chrome extension.
An extension for your Google Chrome browser, RefDot makes citation easy; it allows you to cite and store books or journal references, as well as add books automatically from Amazon book pages, which comes in handy.
Zotero is a veteran and completely free browser based plugin that helps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.
Easy Bib - MLA Free
A great citation generator, EasyBib compiles your bibliographies and citations for you, saving you valuable time. You don’t need to create an account if you are using MLA.

Friday, April 1, 2016

What is a Digital Humanist? https://t.co/zfLVOz6QdV

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RT @jthoodelemen: Thanks for sharing. I just learned so much. thanks Matthew. https://t.co/84elAfCyut

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RT @Makerspaces_com: Modern library #makerspaces & how they fit into the future of learning. https://t.co/J1tBvCcIKo #makered #makerspace https://t.co/nTronlG2z1

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RT @Makerspaces_com: Read about the top 20 tools and tech found in @kjarrett's educational #makerspace https://t.co/fs23jYtpL3 #makerED https://t.co/PCtzqSKcr4

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RT @teachintechgal: #PBL based on creativity & solving real-world problems raises girls’ interest in STEM: https://t.co/HFgO4zVKyY https://t.co/bOTAh1iMLV

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RT @mrsklipfel: Gr 5 Ss @sarahoproctor Getting ready for our travels through space @DoInkTweets https://t.co/pMkFOqODUW

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RT @KerryHawk02: Google bikes. Just part of life in Mountain View. https://t.co/bLS9XiVyz4

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RT @Makerspaces_com: 16 skills that every student needs in order to survive in the 21st century https://t.co/jHImPGCKS5 #makerspaces https://t.co/tvEB4dlgV5

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https://t.co/xWoU4YjLp2 (The Global S.T.E.M. Community) Over 6 Million! https://t.co/w2gPZZnVBx

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https://t.co/xWoU4YjLp2 (The Global S.T.E.M. Community) Over 6 Million! https://t.co/w2gPZZnVBx

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